
The Compelling Need for Health Coaching in the Workplace

It is a fact that many employees in the workplace experience challenges related to mental health, physical health, and a lack of successful work-life balance. The stressors that they face can reduce their effectiveness at work, and their ability to be successful in their jobs. In some cases, burnout and health crises may occur and these traumatic situations can negatively impact a business.  Employee retention, absenteeism, and accidents, along with rising healthcare costs are some of the issues we face today. Employees, especially in challenging situations, need support to be effective and at their best.  We are here to help.

What We Do for You

Our Best Health Now team benefits both the health of the employee and the health of the company by improving work-life integration. We create an environment where your valued employees are more effective and flourishing. We install a comprehensive array of solutions, supporting work teams, managers, and employees.  Our mission is to offer individuals and organizations a continuum of whole person-centered well-being solutions that address emotional, practical, and physical needs.

Why choose us?

We provide a broad array of health coaching and programming to small and mid-sized companies with unparalleled, curated services. Your company and its workforce will benefit from experienced, personalized providers, in contrast with large service providers that have a generic, one-size-fits-all approach. Our team focuses on your most valued asset, your employees. Rather than reports, meetings, and often excessive layers of management, our primary focus is on the employee. With Best Health Now, you will experience the highest level of employee engagement. We will provide focused services targeting your company’s most costly issues, providing aggregate data and testimonials of employee feedback to demonstrate our effectiveness.